Best Pediatric Oncologist in UAE

The health and well-being of your children are in safe hands
Pediatric Orthopedic Oncology is a crucial area of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of bone tumors in children. These conditions require specialized care to ensure the best outcomes and long-term quality of life for young patients. Dr. Mashhour’s expertise in this field is invaluable in providing comprehensive and compassionate care to children and their families. Dr. Mohamed Mashhour is a distinguished figure in the field of pediatric orthopedic oncology in Dubai. He is celebrated for his expertise, dedication, and compassionate care in treating children with musculoskeletal tumors. His extensive training and years of experience have made him a trusted name among patients and colleagues alike.

Why Trust Dr. Mohamed Mashhour?


Expertise and Experience

Dr. Mashhour has undergone rigorous training in both pediatric orthopedics and oncology, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs of children with orthopedic cancers. His extensive experience in this specialized field means he has successfully treated numerous complex cases.


International Expertise

Dr. Mashhour’s distinguished reputation in pediatric orthopedic oncology attracts young patients from all corners of the globe, with many families reaching out to him for consultations from abroad.

Advanced Surgical Expertise

With his advanced surgical skills and precision, Dr. Mashhour can perform procedures with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues. This reduces post-operative pain and speeds up the healing process.

Limb-Sparing Techniques

Dr. Mashhour specializes in limb-sparing surgeries whenever possible. By preserving as much healthy tissue and bone as possible, he minimizes the need for extensive rehabilitation and accelerates recovery.

Low Reoccurrence Rate

Dr. Mohamed Mashhour is dedicated to minimizing the risk of tumor reoccurrence after pediatric oncology surgery through a multifaceted approach.

Personalized Rehabilitation Plans

Dr. Mashhour develops personalized rehabilitation plans for each patient, focusing on restoring function and mobility as quickly as possible. This proactive approach ensures a smoother recovery and a faster return to normal activities.

Compassionate Care

Beyond his technical skills, Dr. Mashhour is known for his compassionate approach to patient care. He understands the emotional and psychological impact of cancer on young patients and their families, providing support and guidance throughout the treatment journey.

Emotional and Psychological Support

In addition to physical recovery, Dr. Mashhour prioritizes the emotional and psychological well-being of his patients and their families. By addressing these aspects of care, he creates a supportive environment that promotes faster healing and recovery.

Patient Success Stories

Dr. Mashhour’s successful treatment outcomes and positive patient testimonials highlight his dedication and proficiency. Many families have shared stories of how his intervention has significantly improved their children’s quality of life.

Case Study

Types of Pediatric Orthopedic Oncology Conditions Treated

Dr. Mashhour specializes in diagnosing and treating a variety of pediatric orthopedic oncology conditions, including but not limited to:

Osteosarcoma: A type of bone cancer that typically affects the long bones in the arms and legs. Dr. Mashhour employs surgical techniques to remove tumors while preserving as much bone and functionality as possible.

Ewing Sarcoma: This rare cancer occurs in the bones or soft tissue around the bones. Treatment often involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, all of which Dr. Mashhour is adept at coordinating and performing.

Rhabdomyosarcoma: A cancer that affects the soft tissues, such as muscles. Dr. Mashhour works to surgically remove the tumor and collaborates with oncologists for adjunct treatments like chemotherapy.

Bone Metastases: When cancer from another part of the body spreads to the bones, it requires specialized treatment to manage pain and prevent fractures. Dr. Mashhour provides tailored treatment plans to address these metastases.

Benign Bone Tumors: Not all bone tumors are cancerous, but benign tumors can still cause significant problems. Conditions such as osteochondroma and aneurysmal bone cysts are managed through careful monitoring or surgical removal when necessary.

Soft Tissue Sarcomas: These tumors can occur in various soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, and fat. Dr. Mashhour utilizes precise surgical techniques to excise these tumors while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.

In conclusion, Dr. Mohamed Mashhour’s blend of expertise, innovative treatment methods, and compassionate patient care, and what make him one of the most professional pediatric orthopedic oncologists. His commitment to improving the lives of young patients with orthopedic cancers is evident in his successful pediatric oncology treatment treatment outcomes and the trust placed in him by families and the medical community.


Common symptoms may include persistent pain in the affected area, swelling or a lump, limited range of motion, fractures without trauma, and unexplained weight loss or fatigue. However, symptoms can vary depending on the type and location of the tumor.
While pediatric orthopedic oncology conditions are relatively rare compared to adult cancers, they can still occur. These conditions require prompt diagnosis and treatment by specialists like Dr. Mashhour to ensure the best possible outcomes.
Pediatric orthopedic oncology focuses on children and adolescents, typically up to the age of 18. However, treatment may extend into young adulthood depending on the individual case and the patient’s needs.
The exact causes of pediatric orthopedic oncology conditions are often unknown. Some factors, such as genetic predisposition, environmental factors, or previous radiation exposure, may increase the risk. However, many cases occur sporadically without a clear cause.
Diagnosis typically involves a combination of physical examination, medical history review, imaging studies (such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans), and sometimes a biopsy to confirm the type of tumor. Dr. Mashhour utilizes these diagnostic tools to develop an accurate treatment plan.
Treatment options may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and/or rehabilitation. Dr. Mashhour tailors the treatment plan to the specific needs of each patient, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome with minimal side effects.
Prognosis varies depending on factors such as the type and stage of the tumor, the patient’s age and overall health, and the effectiveness of treatment. Dr. Mashhour works closely with patients and their families to provide personalized care and support throughout the treatment process.
Pediatric oncologist surgeons play a crucial role in the rehabilitation and recovery process following surgery. They develop comprehensive post-operative care plans tailored to each patient’s needs, which may include physical therapy to restore mobility and strength, pain management strategies, and ongoing monitoring to detect any signs of reoccurrence. They also coordinate with rehabilitation specialists, nutritionists, and counselors to support the child’s overall physical and emotional well-being, ensuring a holistic approach to recovery and long-term health.