Sarcomas are basically a type of rare cancer that generally appears anywhere in a body- in bone or soft tissue. Sarcoma is a word that indicates a broad group of cancers that can be originated in different parts of a body. Whether it is bones or soft tissue including blood vessels, nerves, fibrous tissue, muscles, tendons, fat, the lining of the joints, and the lower layers of the skin, the existence of sarcomas can be alarming.

Prime Causes and Risk Factors of Sarcoma
There can be various reasons that can cause the occurrence of sarcoma in individuals. Even though the exact cause is still not completely known, there are still some proven reasons that can increase the chances of developing sarcoma in one’s body. Let’s have a look at the most common causes-
- Chronic swelling
- Familial retinoblastoma, neurofibromatosis type 1 and other Inherited syndromes
- Radiation therapy for cancer
- Exposure to viruses like human herpesvirus 8
- Exposure to harmful industrial chemicals
Common Symptoms of Sarcoma
There are many warning signs that can help orthopedic oncologists learn whether the patient is dealing with a sarcoma. Here are the most common signs that can be seen in people with bone or soft tissue cancer-
- Abdominal pain
- Weight loss
- Bone pain
- Breathing difficulties
- A painless lump under the skin of the arm or leg
- An intestinal blockage
Diagnosis of Sarcoma- A Significant Step Before Sarcoma Treatment
Sarcoma is rare but deadly if not treated on time. So, it is necessary to detect the existence of sarcoma in a body and treat it sooner to mitigate the risk and ensure faster recovery. Here we have given the steps involved in the diagnosis of sarcoma.
Step 1: A Physical Test
When you visit an orthopedic oncologist, the first procedure you need to go through is a physical exam. In this step, the surgeon will perform some detailed examinations to determine the symptoms of the patient and look for other signs that can help with the sarcoma treatment.
Step 2: Imaging Tests
After the physical test, you have to go through some imaging tests like X-rays, MRI, ultrasound, CT, and positron emission tomography (PET) scans. It will help them to understand the severity of the sarcoma and detect the areas where it has spread. After these tests, the orthopedic surgeon will recommend the right treatment plan for you.
Step 3: Biopsy
The biopsy is another way to determine the presence of cancerous cells in a body. In this step, the oncologist will take a sample of tissues for further evaluation. It is sent to a laboratory where the tissues are examined under a microscope.

Faqs About Sarcoma and Its Treatment
What is sarcoma?
Sarcoma is a rare and complex cancer that develops in connective tissues, such as muscles, bones, cartilage, and blood vessels.
What are the types of sarcoma?
There are two main types of sarcoma: soft tissue sarcoma and bone sarcoma.
What are the symptoms of sarcoma?
Symptoms can include a lump, pain, weight loss, or an unexpected broken bone. Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor.
How is sarcoma treated?
The primary treatment for sarcoma is surgery to remove the tumor. In some cases, radiation or drug therapy may also be used.
Visit Dr. Mohamed Mashhour- Ortho for the Best Treatment of Sarcoma in Dubai
If you want to get the best treatment for sarcoma, whether it is Ewing sarcoma treatment or osteogenic sarcoma treatment, you can trust Dr. Mohamed Mashhour- Ortho. Being a well-esteemed orthopedic oncologist doctor in the UAE, he is committed to helping patients who are suffering from Ewing sarcoma, osteogenic sarcoma or other types of sarcoma. He has over twenty-four years of experience and a proven track record in bone and soft tissue tumors.
His tailored treatment plans come with the assurance of the highest level of attention and support while promising faster recovery for patients of all ages, from children to adults.Browse our website to schedule a call and discuss your condition to access the best treatment for sarcomas in Dubai.